Marquez Christmas 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas for the Marquez Family was downright awesome! Truly enjoyed being with our families, and watching the joy on the kiddos faces. Here is our Christmas in pictures...beware, there are many. :)

 Warning: we did not have matching Christmas pjs. I know, *gasp!*

Santa brought an awesome guitar!

He is such a stinker!!

So my husband and were SUPER excited about this gift...we purchased three sets.  One for each of the older boys.  It's the Armor of God! They can dress up like a solider for Jesus! Comes complete with all the tools needed:  Sheild of Faith, Breastplate of Righteousness and so on! It also comes with a devotion that you can share with your children over the Armor of God.

And as you can see, he took his job VERY seriously...I am being serious when I tell you he hasn't taken this armor off, and wants to sleep in it.  Hilarious!

My brother and sister-in-law (and cousins!) gave them some western Bryce had to get my Dad's old cowboy boots to complete the look.  Priceless memories. :)

It was truly such a fabulous Christmas! So blessed indeed! Gearing up for tomorrow as my sweet Parker-roo turns TWO.  I can't even utter the words without tears.  Time flies way too fast!!
Goodnight friends!


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